The outsiders book chapter 1-2 paper 1

Start studying the outsiders big unit test chapters 112. There download also contains an original pdf version of the quiz as well. Acc ording to wikipedia, the outsiders is a comingofage novel by s. With the purchase of this item, the buyer will receive a 30 question objective quiz that accompanies chapters 1 2 of the novel the outsiders by s. The narrator, ponyboy curtis, starts the novel with a story. Chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 learn with. Here are some examples of similes from chapters 1 and 2 of s. Incredulous means to be unable to believe something vaguely. The outsiders chapters inclass essay chapter 4 in order for you to have as much time as possible to write you need to do the following when you walk in. He stated, ponyboy picked up the book and opened it. As we know the socs and the greaser crew gang are very aggressive to each other and even. The outsiders chapter 12 questions flashcards quizlet. With the purchase of this item, the buyer will receive a 30 question objective quiz that accompanies chapters 12 of the novel the outsiders by s.

The socs are described by ponyboy as the jetset, the westside rich kids2. The greasers, on the other hand, are poorer than the socs. In chapter 2, you see a different side of johnny than in chapter 1. What makes ponyboy different from the rest of his greaser crew.

Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, butdid most of the work. Cowlick pg 6 n tuft of hair that stands straight up cowlick is a fashion for 1990s. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. When i stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of. Ponyboy curtis, the narrator of the story and a fourteenyearold boy, is walking home alone, wishing he looked handsome and tough like paul newman. Besides darry and soda and me, nobody was there except randy and his parents and cherry valance and her parents and a couple of the other guys that had jumped johnny and me that night. The greasers always thought the socs had a better life them them because they got very thing they wanted. This is a 10 question reading quiz for chapter 1 of s. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, but did most of the work when she was sixteen and a junior in high school. A vocabulary list featuring the outsiders chapter 1. Greasers, ponyboy says, are from the east side and are poorer than the west side socs. The conflict between socs and greasers is introduced in chapter 1, and escalates throughout the book. Study guide questions the outsiders chapters 1 2 1.

Take turns writing answers, and make sure every group members name is on the paper. In contrast, the socs are the jet set, the westside. The socs and the greasers are two distinct groups in this community who do not get along. Outsiders study questionsall chapter answers 1 study. On a long sheet of paper, label and illustrate 12 important. The new york times taut with tension, filled with drama. To their surprise, a small piece of paper fell out. Hes looking for dally, whos slashed the tires of a car owned by another local tough, tim shepard.

When the greasers get in trouble it goes in the paper and they go to jail. A sixteenyearold greaser with black hair and large, fearful eyes. The outsiders is narrated by the main character, ponyboy curtis. Madras pg 5 n a light patterned cotton cloth i dont like to wear madras. Questions 15 are matching and questions 610 are multiplechoice. They have a reputation of being juvenile delinquents, because they wear their hair. This graphic organizer requires students to find examples of different types of figurative language, explain the literal meaning, and illustrate the example. This is an introduction to who we are and what were doing here on youtube. The outsiders chapters 1 and 2 summary and analysis gradesaver.

This story has a lot of issues that are going to be talked about in this paper such as the realism, the conflicts, the characters. The curtis brothers the story, we soon learn, is narrated by ponyboy curtis, a 14yearold boy living with his brothers in. Hinton tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a society in which he is. Ponyboy is walking home from the movies by himself, which is a dangerous thing for a greaser to do. This quiz includes true and false, fill in the blank, and matching questions about the characters and basic content of chapters 1 and 2. The outsiders chapter 12 quiz literature quiz quizizz.

Suddenly, twobit comes up behind the boys and shouts, okay, greasers, youve had it. He also describes the relationships between his gang members, and the relationships within his own family. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, but. The fuzz is a nickname for the police that the greasers use in the novel. Chapter 12 the hearing wasnt anything like i thought it would be. In chapter 2 of the outsiders, what are two main conflicts that happen. Hinton, a novel which tells the story of conflict between the greasers and the socs, captures the voice of ponyboy and his friends in a realistic way that relates to boys and their gangs even today. He thinks about how he wants paul newman s good looks, though he likes his own greaser look. When the greasers get in trouble, it goes in the paper and they go to jail. The book follows two rival groups, the greasers and.

Twobit sits down and banters with cherry and marcia. Hinton tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a society in which he is an outsider. Chapter 1 when i stepped out into the bright sunlight from the. His hair was almost white it was so blond, and he didnt like haircuts, or hair oil either, so it fell over his forehead in wisps and kicked out in the back in tufts and curled behind his ears and along the nape of his neck. In the first chapter, ponyboy introduces himself and gives a brief history of his family. A little after johnny and ponyboy got to the park a blue mustang full of socs.

The argument continues until johnny stands up to dally, and dally leaves. Dally continues to harass the girls until one turns around and says take your feet off my chair and shut your trap 21. The outsiders chapter 1 2 discussion questions pdf book. He, steve, and twobit were throwing paper wads at each other and clowning around and finally steve dropped the hymn book with a bang accidentally. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of the outsiders and what it means. The outsiders chapter 3 4 discussion questions 5 points discuss these questions with a group of two to four people. But when dally soon returns and offers cherry a coke, she throws it in dallys face and calls him a greaser. Dally continues to pester her until johnny tells dally to leave cherry alone. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

This lesson will focus on the summary of chapter 1 of the outsiders. Download the outsiders chapter 1 2 discussion questions book pdf free download link or read online here in pdf. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so dont worry about it. What major events happen in chapter 2 of the outsiders.

You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Johnny and ponyboy jump, thinking that theyre being confronted by a soc. He took care of him by getting groceries, helped disguise him, and got him a book to entertain him. Pdf the outsiders chapter 1 2 discussion questions the outsiders chapter 3 4 discussion questions 5 points discuss these questions with a group of two to four people. They sneak into the drivein, although the admission is only 25 cents if youre without a car. Vaguely means to be in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear. He picked it up and began to read to ponyboy and the gang, this is from the future and before your like no way, just you wait. The outsiders activity figurative language chapters 12. The novel begins with ponyboy, the narrator, leaving the darkness of the movie house. He calls himself a greaserone of the poor, tough gang of boys who fights with the socs, socials a gang of rich, violent boys. Home about the author chapter summary characters chapter answers chapter answers 46 chapter answers 79 chapter answers 1012 the 60s chapter 1 questions 2.

Greasers cant walk alone too much or theyll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream greaser. The socs are always looking to get in fights with the greasers. The outsiders is very clear that the violence is serious and real. The outsiders chapter 14 questions flashcards quizlet. Ponyboy thinks about the relationship between johnny and dally, commenting that johnny is dallys pet, while dally is johnnys hero. Ponyboy is explaining what life is like for the greasers living on the east side of town. Read online the outsiders chapter 1 2 discussion questions book pdf free download link book now. He wears his hair long, like most of the other people from his neighborhood. The outsiders chapters 1 and 2 summary and analysis. Ponyboy curtis, the narrator of the outsiders, walks out of a movie theater in tulsa, and heads home. According to wikipedia, the outsiders is a comingofage novel by s. View outsiders study questionsall chapter answers 1 from math 101 at patrick county high. Ponyboy and johnny meet up with dally dallas and go to the nightly double drivein theatre. Hinton has written a novel that deals with the changes youth.

Questions 1 5 are matching and questions 610 are multiplechoice. Unfathomable pg 10 adj difficult or impossible to understand math are unfathomable. The outsiders transformed youngadult fiction from a genre mostly about prom queens, football players and high school crushes to one that portrayed a darker, truer world. Hintonaccording to wikipedia, the outsiders is a comingofage novel by s. This is a book written by ponyboy in the future and youll understand why soon enough. Hinton chapter 1, we get introduced to the man of the story which is ponyboy curtis and we get to see the conditions that surround him in the environment he exists in and the socs who give him a hard time. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, butdid most of the work when she was sixteen and a junior in high school. The outsiders big unit test chapters 112 flashcards quizlet. When pony becomes inspired to write about his experiences, his thoughts clarify and he realizes that with pen and paper he might find a nonviolent approach to trying to change the situation. Welcome to thomasson morris instruction on youtube. Ponyboy curtis, the narrator, begins the novel with a story. This means to be coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited 1. He enjoys watching movies alone, but now wishes he had some company because greasers like him arent safe from members of a rival gang, the socs.